Twitter , znano mikroblogersko socialno orodje, ki ga uporablja tudi vedno več Slovencev, očitno “crkuje”.
Pogrešamo mikroblogerske zapise (tvite), včeraj jih je nepravilno štel, čez noč je prenehal delovati, danes imamo izkušnjo, da jih nekontrolirano objavlja (dela kopije), nekaterim so popolnoma izginili, …
Izjava na uradni statusni strani Twitterja:
Site Availability Issues Due to Failed Enhancement of Our Timeline Cache 4 hours ago
Update: We’re currently experiencing site availability issues resulting from the failed enhancement of a new approach to timeline caching. Our infrastructure and operations engineers are currently working to resolve this. We’ll update you soon with an ETA.
Update: 10:17 PM PDT: Users may temporarily experience missing tweets from their timelines. They will be restored shortly.
Update: 11:51 PM PDT: We’re recovering from the site outage. Remember, users may temporarily experience missing or duplicate tweets from their timelines. Normal timelines will be restored shortly.